An omphalocele (umbilical cord hernia) is a congenital malformation in which the abdominal organs of the unborn child protrude through an opening in the abdominal wall.
Project description
Design of an illustration of a malformation of a newborn for a publication by Dr. Matthias Nissen on the topic “Omphalomesenteric duct in a neonate with omphalocele minor” for the medical journal “Archives of Disease in Childhood”.
The case in question was an omphalocele minor, i.e. a congenital defect in which the intestines protrude through the abdominal wall at the navel. In this case, the omphalocele is relatively small and contains only intestinal loops. An omphalomesenteric duct has also been identified, which normally disappears before birth.
The drawn illustration shows an umbilical cord hernia (omphalocele) of a newborn. Parts of the surrounding hernia sac have been hidden to allow a view of the intestinal loops and an intestinal anomaly in the form of an outgoing duct.
Link zur Publikation “Omphalomesenteric duct in a neonate with omphalocele minor” (BMJ Journals)
Project details:
Content: 1 illustration
Utilization: scientific publication, lectures
Specifications: DIN A5
Client: Dr. Matthias Nissen
The rights of use for the illustrations shown here lie with the client; use is not permitted. The images are protected with watermarks