Design of an illustration of a malformation of a newborn for a publication by Dr. Matthias Nissen on the topic “Omphalomesenteric duct in a neonate with omphalocele minor” for the medical journal “Archives of Disease in Childhood”.
The illustration shows an umbilical cord hernia (omphalocele) of a neonate in a sectional view with an outgoing duct (omphalomesenteric duct).
Link zur Publikation “Omphalomesenteric duct in a neonate with omphalocele minor” (BMJ Journals)
Project details:
Content: 1 illustration
Utilization: scientific publication, lectures
Specifications: DIN A5
Client: Dr. Matthias Nissen
The rights of use for the illustrations shown here lie with the client; use is not permitted. The images are protected with watermarks
Sketch for illustration “Omphalocele
Correction illustration “Omphalocele
Time lapse video drawing process illustration omphalocele