Illustrations in various styles

MedicalGraphics specialized in the individual design of medical images. In the section “Free pictures” you will also find a number of “stock-images” that you can use for free or license. We create illustrations either based on 3D models and also drawn or painted illustrations. Depending on the target group and the topic of the illustrations, one of the implementation types is suitable. We will be happy to advise you in all aspects.

What do medical illustrations and graphics cost?

The effort for the design of illustrations can be very different. This depends on the type of illustration (3D / drawn), the complexity of the images and the scope of the project. Therefore, a flat cost estimate that applies to all projects is difficult to make. However, as a rule of thumb the cost of a medical / anatomical illustration often ranges from € 300-900.

In order to answer your request as accurately as possible, we have formulated some preliminary questions in the articles below whose answers would help us a lot. We will gladly provide you with a cost estimate or a specific offer.

Further information on medical illustrations:

Animationen Chirurgie

Use cases medical illustration

Publications without imaging in print or web are hard to imagine. Especially with medical issues, it is not easy to find adequate and appealing illustrations for the topic or find suitable images to explain complex structures. We present here some of the typical applications of our medical illustrations.

Medical illustration - project examples:

Illustrations Critical Shoulder Angle
Illustration intraocular lenses
Illustration Candidiasis
Stereoscopic illustration eye
Illustration hemoglobin sickle cell anemia
Illustratios knee and meniscus
Illustration esophageal motility study
Illustration tracheostomy tube cross section