Keyvisual corneal topography and tomography

Key visuals for the Anterion system from Heidelberg for measuring the corneal geometry of the human eye.

Design of a key visual for a print campaign of the Anterion system of Heidelberg Engineering. Anterion is a system for capturing the anterior segment of the eye, in particular the cornea. The objective was not to illustrate the underlying technical concepts, but to present the subject in an abstract, vivid way. However, the measurement process on the front and back of the cornea was to be placed in the center of the illustration.

Due to the existing imagery of the client, a realization in a kind of science fiction style was quite obvious. In order to approach the topic further, some sketches were created to evaluate whether structures could offer an appealing optical approach (eyeball, ciliary muscles). The client was then presented with two different approaches: one that focused on the eyeball with a hologram in front of it to visualize the measurement process – and one design in which an abstract view of layered, technical elements alternating with anatomical elements of the eye (cornea, iris, lens) determined the image content. Heidelberg chose the second approach, which was subsequently elaborated and finalized as a 3D illustration.

Project details: 

Content: Keyvisual

Utilization: Print-Add, Website

Specifications: DIN A4 – 300 dpi

Client:  Fanthomas / Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

The rights of use for the illustrations shown here lie with the client; use is not permitted. The images are protected with watermarks.

brainstorming keyvisual eye
Scribbles for idea development. Left idea “eye as planet”, right experiments with ciliary muscles, iris and cornea as design elements.
mockup anterion keyvisual planet
Mockup in the style “eye as planet with holo display look of the measuring process” for coordination with the customer
mockup anterion keyvisual layers
Mockup for coordination with the customer in the look of floating, technical discs and rings. Measurement process as arcs.
anterion keyvisual draft
Design key visual “Anterion” with lens
Keyvisual Anterion corneal analysis
Final key-visual Anterion

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