Medical illustrations “Dental Implants”

Project description of illustrations about dental implants and tools for a guide and for presentations and training courses

To introduce a company founded specifically for the Chinese market, extensive medical illustrations covering “Dental Implants” were required. These illustrations should be used in a guide to the dental implants and tools, but also be used in presentations and training courses. Conceptually, the illustrations aimed at the performing physician and should increase the understanding of the necessary processes and techniques.

 The entire field of “Dental implants” should be shown using 40 illustrations. Topics were the special product characteristics, the use of different diagnostic methods in implantology, the individual product and tool selection depending on the findings, the illustration of the methods of operation and finally a step by step Dental-implant-open-packagingguide of the different surgical processes.

In a pre-production phase, specification requirements were created, which defined nature and extent of the illustrations. In the next stage basic anatomical 3D models were created. For some of the implants and some of the tools 3D CAD data of the manufacturer could be used. Other tools were modeled on the basis of design plans and photographs – the packaging was structure-dental-implantcreated based on similar products.

As a style the clearest possible look was chosen in front of white background – gums, teeth and tools should be presented in a realistic but also idealized form. This was particularly true for the illustrations, implant-maxilla-cranialwhich showed surgery.
One challenge was the anatomically and medically correct representation of 3D models of the upper and lower jaw in the various sectional views, and the proper placement and alignment of the implants.

The rights of use for the illustrations shown here lie with the client; use is not permitted. The images are protected with watermarks.

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