Design of illustrations on the causes and treatment of tennis elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis). The causes can be an overstraining of the tendons or a permanent one-sided stress. This leads to minor injuries in the fibrous structure of the tendons, causing pain during movement, which can also radiate.
The illustration shows a human forearm extensor muscle and its tendon insertions humerus. A close-up view visualizes the damage in the tendon insertions. In addition, an illustration was designed to compare a healthy fibrous structure of a tendon with a damaged structure.
Project details:
Content: four illustrations
Utilization: Website, social media, posters, folders, advertising and information material
Specifications: DIN A1 (9933*7016px)
Client: Masalo KG
The rights of use of the images shown here belong to the client, use is not permitted. The images are protected with watermarks