Use cases medical illustration

It is difficult to imagine publications in print or on the web without illustrations. Especially with medical topics the problem arises to find appealing illustrations for the respective topic or to explain complex structures and processes. Here are some of the topics we cover.

Explanatory medical illustration

Illustrations are an enormously important tool for explaining medical matters or anatomical structures. An individually created illustration can specifically bring the essential key points to the fore and thus achieve optimal communicability of the topic in coordination with the text.

Anatomie des menschlichen Auges mit verschiedenen Zugängen zur Katheterisierung einer Karotisfistel

Patient information

Illustrations for informing patients often use a very clear and simple style. They inform e.g. about the cause of a disease, the diagnosis and therapy options or explain e.g. how the patient himself can participate in the recovery process (e.g. by changing the diet etc.).

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To convey the content of a medical or anatomical lecture (Power-Point, Keynote etc.) more clearly, illustrations can be used to summarize the discussed topic or simply to illustrate individual elements and thus better anchor them in the memory of the audience.

prinzipien PowerPoint krebsimmuntherapie gross


Effective key visuals that enable recognition of the different product lines and at the same time illustrate their contents are an important tool of a modern CI. The use of 3D illustrations ensures maximum control over image content and its coherence with each other.

Keyvisual Anterion

Scientific publications

Medical illustrations can also help convey content in scientific publications. In cooperation with the publishing physician, for example, illustrations of the surgical method or diagnostics researched in a study can be created.

spinalnerven c1 c2 c3 innervierte muskeln

Design exhibition booth

The use of illustrations to design your stand at trade fairs and congresses generates attention, can represent your main areas of activity or put products and services in the spotlight.

key visual messewand

Navigation element and illustration web page

The use of medical illustrations and graphics on the Internet breaks up excessive text and increases the visitor’s attention and understanding of the topic. In the example opposite, the illustrations were additionally used to navigate between the individual therapy areas.


Info medical illustration: