Infographic of compression therapy in vascular disease

Infographics illustrating the processes in compression therapy for vascular disease.

Visualization of the VADOplex system (rapid build-up of pressure pulses and increased venous return) and the effect on the vascular system (shear forces on the veins releasing nitric oxide leading to arterial vasodilatation and thus improved blood circulation).

Content: 1 infographic

Utilization: Roll-up, brochures

Specifications: A3, 300 DPI

Client: OPED GmbH

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Infographic compression therapy
Infographic compression therapy
infografik Sketch veins no arteries
Sketch 1
Sketch 3
Sketch 3
Sketch 4
Sketch 4
infographic sketch 5
Sketch 5
Infographic sketch 6
Sketch 6

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