Medical illustrations for an “orthopedic surgical guide”

Project description of ilustrations for an orthopedic surgical guide for revision endoprosthesis.

The AQ Implants GmbH wanted to illustrate their orthopedic surgical guide with pictures of their revision endoprosthesis to describe different surgical procedures. For this purpose, MedicalGraphics produced a series of illustrations showing the surgical steps required during the installation of an orthopedic implant. In particular, the anatomical and spatial correctness was of essential importance.


Resektionslehre femur medResection Guide Femur

The examples shown here show illustrations from the operating instructions for an artificial hip joint. The entire process was illustrated: from the marking of the bone area to be removed using a resection guide, to the installation of the accetabulum in the hip, to the final implant.

acetabulum huefte grossAcetabulum hip

Hueftimplantat Acetababulum medHip implant acetabulum

The rights of use for the illustrations shown here are owned by AQ-Implant.

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