2D animated information film on prostate cancer

2D animations for information films for prostate cancer patients.

The patient information films are intended to inform prostate cancer patients about the causes, diagnosis and treatment options for prostate cancer. In order to focus more specifically on the patient’s individual situation, a film on “Local Prostate Cancer” and a film on “Metastatic Prostate Cancer” were produced. In both films, the various diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, biopsy, MRT, CT, scintigraphy) were shown, after an initial explanation of the disease. In the following, the possible therapies (monitoring, removal of the prostate, hormone therapy, brachytherapy, percutaneous radiotherapy) were described and side effects and risks were discussed.

Project details:

Content: 2D information films for patients – Length ~15 minutes and 12 minutes

Utilization: Patient information for internet and doctor-patient conversation

Specifications: 1920*1080 Pixel

Client: Brandpepper/Janssen Cilag
The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Animation prostate cancer:

Link prostate cancer animation on Youtube (external Link – German).

Screenshots video prostate cancer:

Tumor cells displace healthy cells
Tumor cells displace healthy cells
Percutaneous radiotherapy prostate
Percutaneous radiotherapy prostate
Determination of the Gleason Score to assess the aggressiveness of a prostate carcinoma
Determination of the Gleason Score to assess the aggressiveness of a prostate carcinoma
Accesses surgery for radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland)
Accesses surgery for radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland)
Biopsy Prostate
Biopsy prostate

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