App chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD)

Content for an iPad app for the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. In this application the physician can present and document the individual disease pattern for each patient.

Design of graphical content for an iPad app for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease.

In the application, the doctor can display and document each patient’s individual clinical picture and show the patient the result in an augmented reality mode on the IPAD.

For the app, 3D model of the intestine was created with shaders and textures (diffuse and normal map). In addition, pathological changes of the intestine in CED such as stenoses and fistulas were created.

Project details:

Content: Creation of graphical content – 3D model bowel with diseases.

Utilization: Patient information for doctor-patient conversation

Specifications: IPAD, IOS, realtime 3D

Client: NDA
The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Screenshots app:

Screenshot from the iPad APP CED
Screenshot from the iPad APP CED
App augemented-reality intestine
App augemented-reality intestine

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