Creation of illustrations for a publication by Dr. Jost Thissen on a surgical procedure for neurostimulation / neuromoduation. During surgery, an electrode is implanted on the spinal cord, which can then be stimulated by the electrical impulses of an external device to suppress chronic pain. To gain access to the spinal cord, a spinous process is split and stitched after surgery. The surrounding structures, such as muscles and tendons, hold the spinous process in postion after the procedure and enables a healing without complications. In addition to the illustrations for the publication an animation was created for use in lectures, which explains the intervention in the moving image.
Project details:
Content: 6 illustrations + 2D animation
Utilization: scientific publication, lectures
Specifications: 2D vector illustrations and animation
Client: Abbott Laboratories/Dr. Jost Thissen
Realization of the project in cooperation with Grafik Werkstatt Wuppertal / Yvonne Grabowski.
The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients. The images are protected with a watermark.