Animation devices optoacoustic imaging

3D animation about the principle of optoacoustic imaging. Presentation of various devices with different fields of application.


Optoacoustic imaging is a medical imaging technique that uses light and ultrasound to make biological tissue visible. For this purpose, light is emitted to excite cells or tissue. An ultrasound detects the resulting acoustic signals and uses the information to produce images with high spatial and temporal resolution. Different frequencies of laser light can be used to excite and then image different types of tissue and also contrast agents. The method is harmless for imaging living tissue, but the penetration depth is limited.

Rights of use of the visual material: iThera Medical
Music: Kevin McLeod – As I figure – License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)

Link to complete animation “Optoacoustic Imaging in Biomedical Research | iThera Medical” on Youtube


For our customer iThera Medical we created an animation film about the functionality of multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) and presented different devices of the company and their fields of application in the animation.

After explaining the underlying technology, we introduced the different devices of the company, which can be roughly classified into two areas: The first type is devices for use in diagnosis and therapy monitoring on humans. The second type is designed for use in scientific research.

Project details: 

Content: 1 animations

Utilization: Website, congresses, Youtube, presentations

Specifications: Full-HD, english Voice-Over, 2:45 Min

Client: iThera Medical

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Screenshots devices for optoacoustic imaging:

optoakustische bildgebung
Use of the ultrasound scanner with laser unit on the patient
frequenzabhaengige ausdehnung blutgefaess
Frequency dependent stimulation of tissue – oxygenated blood
scan kammer praeklinische forschung
MSOT InVision in use in preclinical research
ultraschall laser
Visualization of the detector unit on the ultrasonic head
Device for clinical research
erythrozyten blutgefaess
Erythrocytes in the blood vessel
Devices for optoacoustic imaging – iThera
opto akustischer scan hautoberflaeche
Optoacoustic examination of the skin with a RSOM Explorer P50 in preclinical research
storyboard optoakustische bildgebung
Storyboard 3D animation on optoacoustic imaging

-> Link to video page “Animation devices optoacoustic imaging”


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