Animation ATP and cough

Design of a 3D animation on the effects of ATP on cough stimulation in colds. Impact of phytochemicals on ATP release.
Mode-of-action – Role of ATP in cough irritation
Rights of use of the visual material: Procter & Gamble
Music: Kevin McLeod – Impact prelude – License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)


A study by the University of Hull investigated the effects of secondary plant substances such as camphor, turpentine and eucalyptus on the release of ATP from epithelial cells. During a viral cold, ATP activates P2X3 receptors on the nerve cells and thus triggers a cough stimulus. Some phytochemicals reduce the release of ATP from the epithelial cells and thus reduce the activation of P2X3 receptors and therefore the cough stimulus.

Project description

Together with MSL, we created a mode-of-action animation for Procter & Gamle based on the study results from the University of Hull to illustrate the role of ATP in the development of cough irritation and to visualize the effect of phytochemicals on this process.

In the first part of the animation, we showed the infection by cold viruses and the resulting inflammatory reaction on the epithelial cells of the throat and the increased release of ATP molecules by pannexins into the intracellular space. The ATP binds to P2X3 receptors located on the surface of nerve cells. This leads to activation of the nerve cells and triggers an increased cough stimulus.

In the presence of secondary plant substances such as camphor and eucalyptus, the release of ATP from the epithelial cells is reduced. The intracellular concentration of ATP decreases. As a result, fewer ATP molecules bind to the P2X3 receptors and the cough stimulus is reduced.

Project details animation ATP und cough

Content: MOA animation

Use: MOA animation for congresses and lectures

Specs: Full-HD, ~2:30 min, englishe subtitles, CleanFeed version

Client: MSL / Procter & Gamble

The rights of use of the images shown here are held by the client; use is not permitted. Images are protected by watermarks.

ATP stimulates nerves
Effect of phytochemicals on viral cough
Phytochemicals dampen intracellular ATP release
Phytochemicals impacting TRV4-P2X3 pathway
Screenshot storyboard – Effect ATP on P2X3 receptor
TRPV4 receptor
P2X3 receptor

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