Projekte/Projects -> Dysphagia

Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung von ähnlichen Projekten aus dem ausgewählten Themengebiet – Here you will find a list of similar projects from the selected subject area.

Suprahyoidale Muskulatur

Illustration suprahyoid muscles

Design of an antomic illustrations of the suprahyoid muscles: M. digastricus, M. mylohyoideus, M. geniohyoideus, M. stylohyoideus.

Drawn illustration

Illustrations tracheostomy management

Various drawn illustrations about different types of tracheostomy management on dysphagia treatment for a medical publication.

Drawn illustration

Examination positions dysphagia

Illustrations of various laryngoscopic examinations (FEES) for dysphagia (sitting, lying, outpatient, intensive care patient).

FEES delayed swallowing - dysphagia
Drawn illustration

Illustration disorder pattern dysphagia

Design of series of illustrations on dysfunctional swallowing processes in dysphagia in the style of endoscopic swallowing examination (FEES).