The rights of use of the video sequences lie either with MedicalGraphics or with the respective clients. Music: Ian Alex Mac – Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

The use of animations in medical eLearning can be a very helpful component in didactics for conveying complex and abstract subject matter. Medical illustration or even interactive apps for a better understanding of anatomy can additionally be a valuable addition to an eLeaning course.

Education and training

Medical eLearnings can be an important tool for the training of specialists or for the further education of employees. 3D animation can make difficult subjects comprehensible and thus easier to absorb for the learner.

Lectures and presentations

The use of 3D animation can also be an excellent didactic tool in the context of lectures or presentations in education and training to support the topics covered.

    Projects e-Learning:

    3D model pelvic floor for web browsers
    Anatomy Learning – mobile app
    3D PDF musculoskeletal system
    Illustrations for medical education
    E-Learning disorders hand
    E-Learning disorders elbow
    E-learning musculoskeletal system
    E-Learning disorders shoulder