Our projects in the field of medical visualization:

In this category you will find a chronological list of all our projects in the fields of pharmaceutical communication, scientific publications, illustrations for advertisements, 3D models for apps, animations for patient information etc.

Mode of Action Guselkumab bei Psoriasis

MOA illustration Tremfya

Illustration of the mode of action of guselkumab in psoriatic arthritis.

Augmented Reality App mit Navigation - Foto iPad

Hemophilia app

3D model for an augmented reality app on hemophilic arthropathy of the ankle.

Mutation Multidrug-Resistance-Protein 1

Graphic MDR1 mutation

Graphic showing the causes and effects of a gene defect in multidrug resistance protein-1 in some dog breeds.

Omphalozele mit omphalomesenterialem Gang
drawn illustration

Illustration omphalocele

Illustration for a publication about an umbilical cord hernia of a newborn.

Muskelansätze Knie frontal

Muscle insertions knee

Illustrations and interactive app on the muscle attachments of the knee.