Processing and transmitting of neurons

Illustrations on the effects of cellular stress on the processing and transmitting of neurons.

Design of illustrations normal function at the synaptic cleft of a nerve cell, oxidative stress – mitochondria and free radicals, comparison of processes at a normal synapse and a synapse with oxidative stress, neuron with mitochondria and dendrites.

Project details:

Content: 5 Illustrations

Utilization: Online, print, PowerPoint presentation

Specifications: 2480 * 1748 pixel

Client: Gams und Schrage Healthcare

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Normal function at the synaptic cleft of a nerve cell
Normal function at the synaptic cleft of a nerve cell
mitochondrion and free radicals
Oxidative stress illustration: mitochondrion and free radicals
Oxidative stress at a synapse
Oxidative stress at a synapse
Synapse function without oxidative stress
Synapse function without oxidative stress
Neuron with mitochondria and dendrites

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