Design studies for user survey

Illustrations of different design studies of wound dressing for a user survey to evaluate possible product developments.

For a user survey to evaluate possible product developments, we designed illustrations of different design studies in the field of wound care. In the course of the surveys, various possible products in the field of wound management were presented to medical professionals, and interest and acceptance were queried. In order to give the users as good an idea as possible of the design studies, the use of illustrations was an important measure in addition to the textual description of the structure and function of the possible products.

Project description:

Content: Four illustrations

Utilization: User survey

Specifications: Resolution 1920*1080 Pixel

Client: Paul Hartmann AG

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Design studies wound dressing
Design studies wound dressing
Design study of a wound dressing with a fixed port
Design study of a wound dressing with a fixed port
Design study of a wound dressing with an attachable port
Design study of a wound dressing with an attachable port
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