360 degree video – Asthma

360 degree animation of intracellular effects in triggering an asthma response. The VR App uses the movement sensors of an IPhone for navigation / exploration within the animation.

Design of 360 degree animation of intracellular effects in triggering an asthma response for Pharmaceutical detailing on an iPhone. The VR App uses the movement sensors of an IPhone for navigation / exploration within the animation.

Project details:

Content: Application – 360 degree video

Utilization: Infostand medical congresses and fairs

Specifications: Resolution 3840*2178 Pixel

Client: NDA

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

360 video
360 video
Sketch for 360 degree video - asthma reaction
Sketch for 360 degree video – asthma reaction
Sketch for 360 degree video - asthma reaction
Sketch for 360 degree video – asthma reaction
Sketch for 360 degree video - asthma reaction
Sketch for 360 degree video – asthma reaction

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