Illustrations injury shoulder

Illustrations of injury to the shoulder and shoulder joint.

Illustrations of injuries to the shoulder joint (severity grades Tossy I to Tossy III) and various forms of rotator cuff tears (partial, complete, massive).

Project details:

Content: 8 illustrations

Utilization: Website, information material, brochures

Specifications: DIN A4

Client: nda

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients. The images are protected with a watermark.

Shoulder joint injuries Tossy I
Shoulder joint injuries Tossy I
Shoulder joint injury - Tossy II
Shoulder joint injury – Tossy II
Shoulder joint injury - Tossy III
Shoulder joint injury – Tossy III
Rotator cuff tear - partial rupture
Rotator cuff tear – partial rupture
Rotator cuff tear - complete rupture
Rotator cuff tear – complete rupture
Rotator cuff rupture - massive rupture
Rotator cuff rupture – massive rupture
Rotator Cuff Surgery
Rotator Cuff Surgery

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