Animation nervous system controlling muscles

Anatomical 3D animations of efferent (motor) stimulus conduction from the motor cortex of the brain to the skeletal muscles.

Anatomical 3D animations on signal transmission between the brain and muscles. The signal to the muscles originates in the motor cortex of the brain and is transmitted via the spinal cord. When a nerve impulse reaches the corresponding section of the spinal cord, it is “switched over” to the motor neurons in the anterior horn (cornu anterius medullae spinalis). These neurons then send the impulse further via their axons, which leave the spinal cord and subsequently innervate the muscles and thus lead to muscle movement (in the video using the biceps brachii muscle as an example).

Usage rights : IST-Studieninstitut
Music: Kevin McLeod – Impact prelude – License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)

Project details:

Content: 1 animation

Utilization: Training and education

Specifications: Full HD – 1920*1080 Pixel

Client: IST-Studieninstitut

The rights of use of the illustrations shown are with the respective clients.

Screenshots animation:

nervenimpuls muskelkontraktion
Nerve impulse from the brain initiates muscle contraction
Efferent stimulation conduction
Efferent stimulation conduction
nervenreiz rueckenmark
Nerve stimulus travels along the spinal cord
Efferenten Reizleitung - Muskeln
Efferent conduction – muscles

> Link to video page “Animation nervous system controlling muscles”

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